Leveraging LLM Generated QA Pairs for Biomedical Question Answering

Multi-evidence Natural Language Inference (NLI) for Clinical Trial Data

The project aims at determining the entailment or contradiction given a hypothesis and premise of clinical trials on Breast Cancer which requires numerical and quantitative reasoning of natural language. 

Search & Rescue with Drone-Embedded Sound Source Localization  [Paper] [Paper]

Estimation of Blood Glucose from PPG Signal Using Convolutional Neural Network [Paper]

Autonomous Trash Collector Based on Object Detection Using Deep Neural Network  [Paper]

Estimation of Macronutrients with Continuous Glucose Monitors

The goal of the research was to estimate dietary intake automatically by analyzing the post-prandial glucose response (PPGR) of a meal, as measured with continuous glucose monitors (CGM). Specifically, we wanted to estimate the amount of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate) from CGM responses using machine learning algorithms.

Gaze for Responsive Interaction with 3D Avatar in Mixed Reality Environment

The goal of the research was to develop a real time system where 3D avatar can respond in a virtual environment based on the gaze to gaze interaction with the user.